The Book:


  • The resemblance of any character within this text to any person, living or dead, other than those well-known, public individuals cited, is purely accidental.

  • Any trademarked name, description or other distinguishing characteristic of any product, service, agency or device cited within the book remains the whole and unencumbered property of its registered owner(s).

    • Any trademarked name, description or other distinguishing characteristic of any product, service, agency or device used within the book is done so purely from the admiration of the author for that product, service, agency or device.


The Music:

  • The disclaimer for the book’s references to any particular piece of music (or musician), and this website’s links to that music is located here.


The Website:

  • This website uses cookies. It has to, or it wouldn’t display. By accessing this website you acknowledge your recognition of, and acquiescence to the use of cookies in presenting this site.
    Subjects of the European Union: just grow up and get over it—cookies should be the least of your concerns about Internet privacy. And the requirement that you agree to them or not merely demonstrates that your legislators are technologically ignorant, but willing to impose any number of meaningless laws and regulations. They should move to the U.S.

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  • No data is ever sold to, any third-party organization, and only that data required for transfer of immediate and temporary identification will be transferred, with your notification at that point.

  • All text, local images, organization and implementation of this site are Copyright © 2016 Eduard J. Qualls or Copyright © 2016 Danaan Press, Inc., except where specific, known rights assert otherwise.